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Advanced Listening Lesson #25
Steg 1
Lyssna till Dialog
Titta inte på frågan innan du har lyssnat på ljudfilen. Att läsa frågan först kommer inte hjälpa dig att förbättra din skicklighet att lyssna på Engelska.
Steg 2
Quiz - Se Frågor
1. What is a true statement about Samantha?
She is a tall
She is dating Matt
She is very smart
All of the above
2. One of the guys in this conversation doesn't have a girlfriend. What is the reason?
He doesn't know how to talk to girls
He is shy and nervous around girls
He says stupid things around girls
All of the above
3. If the guy has a problem around pretty girls, what is his friend recommending?
That he needs to work on it and practice
To prepare things to say ahead of time
To date ugly girls
To bring a friend with him when he talks to girls
4. What does being shallow represent in this dialog?
It represents a persons inner depth
It represents that the water is not deep
It represents that he is thinking only skin deep
Both A and C
Se Svar
1. She is dating Matt
2. All of the above
3. To date ugly girls
4. Both A and C
Om du är osäker på en frågas svar, lyssna på ljudfilen igen efter att du läst frågan. När du har gjort alla dina val kan du se svaren för att få reda på ditt resultat.
Steg 3
Visa Konversationsdialog
A: "What do you think about Matt's new girlfriend?"
B: "Samantha? She's pretty hot. I can't believe she fell for Matt."
A: "I don't seem to have much luck with girls."
B: "Why do you think that is?"
A: "I say the stupidest things around girls. I don't know why I do that?"
B: "It's because you're nervous. Best thing to do is not say a word until you know it's not stupid."
A: "It doesn't work that way. I stop thinking around pretty girls."
B: "I know. You got to date a girl who isn't that pretty then."
A: "What the story of your love life these days?"
B: "It's only been a couple of months that I broke up with Sarah. But I think it's about time to start hunting again."
A: "Who's your type?"
B: "Anybody with a nice body and a pretty face."
A: "How about their personality or their character?"
B: "I'm not thinking about marriage, so those things don't matter."
A: "You're so shallow."
Du bör läsa Konversationsdialogen för att hjälpa dig att studera när du gått igenom hörlektionen. Titta inte i Konversationsdialogen innan du lyssnar på ljudfilen eller innan du svarat på frågorna.
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