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Advanced Listening Lesson #15
Steg 1
Lyssna till Dialog
Titta inte på frågan innan du har lyssnat på ljudfilen. Att läsa frågan först kommer inte hjälpa dig att förbättra din skicklighet att lyssna på Engelska.
Steg 2
Quiz - Se Frågor
1. How did Robert propose?
Took her to the restaurant and had the ring in the food
Took her to a baseball game and the announcer displayed the words on the big screen
Had a ring inside a Valentines day present
Ask her in front of her father
2. How many people are mentioned as a either maid of honor, brides maid, or candle lighter?
3. When do they plan on getting married?
On July 4th - Independence Day
On July 7th - A special 7/7 day
Sometime in July
On September 7th
4. How does the lady getting married know Lydia?
A friend from elementary
A friend from church
A friend from work
A friend from the dormitory
Se Svar
1. Had a ring inside a Valentines day present
2. 5
3. Sometime in July
4. A friend from church
Om du är osäker på en frågas svar, lyssna på ljudfilen igen efter att du läst frågan. När du har gjort alla dina val kan du se svaren för att få reda på ditt resultat.
Steg 3
Visa Konversationsdialog
A: "Hey Stephanie. Guess what?"
B: "What?"
A: "Robert asked me to marry him. We're getting married."
B: "Congratulations. I'm so happy for you. So when is the big day?"
A: "We haven't set the date exactly, but it looks like it will be sometime in July."
B: "How did he propose to you?"
A: "On Valentines day, he got me a present. I thought it was an ordinary Valentines day present, but when I opened it, it was this big diamond ring. Right then, he got on his knees and proposed."
B: "That's so neat. So you really got surprised?"
A: "We talked about marriage a little, but I never knew he was serious."
B: "You are going to be busy with wedding plans. But you have several months to prepare for it."
A: "It's going to be pretty hectic for me. So I'm going to need some help. First of all, I was wondering if you would like to be my Maid of Honor."
B: "I would be honored."
A: "So you're going to help me with the planning right?"
B: "Of course. How many brides maids are you going to have?"
A: "Three. So we will have a total of four."
B: "Let me guess. Susan, Tina, and Cindy."
A: "Close. I'm going to have Cindy as the candle lighter. The third brides maid is going to be Lydia. She is a good friend from church."
B: "I know her. She's sweet. I'll make sure we have the best wedding for you."
A: "I hope so. I appreciate your help."
Du bör läsa Konversationsdialogen för att hjälpa dig att studera när du gått igenom hörlektionen. Titta inte i Konversationsdialogen innan du lyssnar på ljudfilen eller innan du svarat på frågorna.
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