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Intermediate Listening Lesson #31
Steg 1
Lyssna till Dialog
Titta inte på frågan innan du har lyssnat på ljudfilen. Att läsa frågan först kommer inte hjälpa dig att förbättra din skicklighet att lyssna på Engelska.
Steg 2
Quiz - Se Frågor
1. What feeling are they talking about?
True love
Blind love
Mother's love
Real love
2. Why does Jack like this girl?
Because the girl is very sweet
Because the girl is very nice
Because the girl has a nice personality
Because the girl is hot
3. Where does Jack plan on talking to this girl?
In the hallway before class
In front of the library
In the cafeteria when she is alone
At the bus stop
4. How does Jack know she doesn't have a boyfriend?
Jack followed her around campus
Jack asked her directly
Jack asked one of her friends
Jack read her profile on the Internet
Se Svar
1. Blind love
2. Because the girl is hot
3. In the cafeteria when she is alone
4. Jack followed her around campus
Om du är osäker på en frågas svar, lyssna på ljudfilen igen efter att du läst frågan. När du har gjort alla dina val kan du se svaren för att få reda på ditt resultat.
Steg 3
Visa Konversationsdialog
A: "Hey Jack. How's it going?"
B: "I'm falling in love."
A: "What! With who?"
B: "That girl in my econ class. She is so hot."
A: "Did you guys go on a date already?"
B: "No. I didn't even talk to her yet. But I think I'm in love."
A: "Does she have a boyfriend?"
B: "I don't think so. I've been following her around campus and I haven't seen another guy."
A: "Dude, you're a stalker man. Just ask her on a date."
B: "I plan on running into her in the cafeteria when she's alone. I think I'll ask her then."
A: "So why do you think you're in love?"
B: "She's the only thing I can think of all day long."
A: "That's called blind love. Well, I gotta run. Tell me how it goes next week."
B: "Aright. I'll talk to you later."
Du bör läsa Konversationsdialogen för att hjälpa dig att studera när du gått igenom hörlektionen. Titta inte i Konversationsdialogen innan du lyssnar på ljudfilen eller innan du svarat på frågorna.
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